Dress Code Policy
As Christians we want to please the Lord and be good witnesses to others in appearance and behavior. Students must dress modestly and attractively without drawing undue or excessive attention to the wearer. The administration reserves the right to determine that which attracts undue or excessive attention to the wearer and is therefore, unacceptable.
Attendance Policy
California State Law mandates that all children between the ages of 6 and 18 attend school unless they are exempted by law or have graduated from high school (E.C. 48200, E.C. 48400). Studies show a (Revised 07/2013 cw) direct correlation between academic success and regular school attendance. Excessive absences may result in disciplinary action, such as a behavior contract, and academic failure. To ensure student success, students must be in class to receive valuable instruction and complete assignments.
Chapel Attendance Policy
Chapel is reserved to have special guests and programs for students. Student attendance is very important. All students are expected to bring their Bibles to chapel. Attendance in chapel will be reflected in the student's Bible grade.
Absence Policy
A student is allowed up to 8 absences (5 excused, 3 unexcused) per semester. Students with excessive absences may be placed on an attendance contract to encourage attendance and academic success. A student is considered absent from a class after 10 minutes. Four tardies is equivalent to one absence. Teachers may integrate participation points, based on attendance, to their grading system. Attendance is important. Excessive absences, whether work is due or not, will negatively impact your learning and your grades.
See the complete Attendance Policy in the School Handbook.